S07-07 10

Potential and challenges of E-Democracy in the European Union


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Letizia SalvoUniversidad de Messina


The aim of the document is to describe the role of European citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the Union through E-democracy. The analysis will look at some of the legal instruments of democratic participation of the European Union that have expanded the participation of citizens of the Member States through the promotion and development of digital transformation. In digital democracy, the use of digital and technological tools is functional to an ever-increasing political participation of citizens, who are brought as close as possible to their own interests and needs.

In recent years, there has been a proliferation of European documents governing the innovations inherent in digital transformation. The resulting structural plans now play a key role in the function of involving European citizens in the processes of consultation and democratic participation. The Conference on the Future of Europe is an example of these recent transformations.

The analysis will also report the results achieved following the democratic participation of European citizens in the Conference on the Future of Europe, through the digital platform used. The presentation of the specific data will provide an identikit of the average user involved in the participation process, and the results elaborated within the subgroups of citizens, organized at a regulatory level for the individual States, and will show the results and the requests of the citizens made to the Institutions Europeans.

Based on the results that emerged, it will be clear whether the participation process through the digital platform was inclusive and comprehensive of the differences and diversities of citizens, or whether it instead represented a model of exclusion for some social categories.

This study intends to highlight the digital transformation processes involving the EU Member States through the consequent structural planning which today plays a fundamental role in terms of involving the European people in the processes of consultation and democratic participation.

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      Andreu Casero Ripollés

      Comentó el 26/10/2023 a las 21:32:56

      Dear Letizia,

      Thank you for this interesting contribution. What role do you think digital platforms such as mobile instant messaging services can have in involving the European people in the processes of consultation and democratic participation?

      Kind regards

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        Letizia Salvo

        Comentó el 28/10/2023 a las 11:41:11

        Dear Andreu,
        Thanks for your question. I believe that the role of digital platforms can play a key-role in citizen consultations and involvement. In fact, I think that systems like platforms can make it easier to exchange information and involve more people. In my final paper will emerge some points of reflection on the topic. Thank you.

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      Miriam Rodríguez Pallares

      Comentó el 25/10/2023 a las 12:36:07

      Estimada Letizia:
      Muchas gracias por su contribución, es especialmente interesante. Creo que, efectivamente, las prestaciones tecnológicas son, al mismo tiempo, acicates de la conectividad y participación supranacional, por un lado, y de la amplificación de brechas sociales dependientes del acceso a la tecnología, por el otro. No sé si existen soluciones eficaces para paliar este desajuste, porque la UE ha implementado ya programas para fomentar la conectividad en todos los países miembros y no se ha alcanzado ese objetivo por ahora. ¿Debemos acostumbrarnos a compaginar medidas que apliquen avances a dos velocidades en este sentido?

      Un saludo,

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        Letizia Salvo

        Comentó el 25/10/2023 a las 14:15:11

        Dear Miriam, thanks for your interesting question. My analysis also reports this consideration, with the aim of trying to give a possible answer on this aspect.
        I believe that it will be necessary to unify these progresses as you reported, finding solutions that can truly reduce the existing technological gap, so that the Union can reach every European citizen and guarantee the rights they deserve regarding democratic participation. Thank you.

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      Luis Antonio Martínez Gómez

      Comentó el 25/10/2023 a las 10:31:50

      Good morning Ms. Salvo,
      In my opinion, the democratic deficit of the EU is enormous. We do not elect the Council, not the Commission, not the commissioners, not the President and, only in part, the European Parliament.
      How we can speaks about "deepening democracy” via digital with all the democratic deficits mentioned above. Isn't there a kind of double political system going on here at the same time and that remains unproblematized?: on the one hand, that of constitutional democracies -not to much if we thinks about it in european terms- and, on the other, that of information as a political regime with its own rules?
      Thank you and congratulations again!

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        Letizia Salvo

        Comentó el 25/10/2023 a las 11:35:41

        Dear Mrs. Martin Gomez, Thanks for your interesting reflection. The problem of the democratic deficit in the European Union in the terms you highlighted is evident. In this regard there is a common problem, namely the willingness of the Member States to proceed towards a different structural approach. I hope that this can also emerge in the final analysis that I will conduct. There is certainly still a lot of work to be done at a European level. Thank you.

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      Diana Torres Prieto

      Comentó el 24/10/2023 a las 22:30:53

      Dear Letizia, Thanks for your very interesting study and communication. Digital transformation is indeed crucial for increasing democratic participation. But the citizens need also to be adressed in a language they can understand: sometimes the institutions tend to use a kind of "institutional jargon" which may hinder the achievement of the democratic aim. I think democracy should be accompanied by transparency in all aspects, also linguistic transparency. I would like to know your thoughts about this.
      Congratulations again for your communication.

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        Letizia Salvo

        Comentó el 25/10/2023 a las 12:01:41

        Dear Diana, Thanks for your interesting perspective. In my opinion, transparency plays a fundamental role in the European democratic context. Transparency has an important role and is also fully included in the communication aspect, as also legally referred to by the Treaties. It is therefore important to guarantee transparency in communicating and informing European citizens and anyone interested in the life and decisions of the European Union. For this reason, I believe that we need to enhance the common European communicative dimension in transparency 'together', i.e. with the will of all member states and Institutions. Thank you.

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      María Dolores Pérez Esteban

      Comentó el 24/10/2023 a las 16:34:51

      Estimada Letizia,
      En primer lugar, quería felicitarles por su magnífica ponencia. Con respecto a ella me surge la siguiente cuestión ¿Cómo cree que su ponencia puede ayudar a la sociedad?
      Muchas gracias

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        Letizia Salvo

        Comentó el 24/10/2023 a las 17:20:55

        Dear Maria, Thanks for your question. The aim of the study as presented is to estimate a balance in terms of democratic participation of the European population thanks to digital transformation. Thank you.

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